6 week college preparedness course

  • Transition from high school to college is tough.

    Even for the most elite and talented student athletes, the jump from high school to college is a large one. Often times, athletes are prepared for one aspect (maybe hard work or fitness), but are surprised by many others (such as intensity, expectations of coaches and teammates, academics, social pressures) that they may face. In many scenarios, student athletes struggle transitioning during their first semester or year, rather than thriving during this time.

    During times of transition and big changes, individuals are at a higher risk for negative coping strategies. While sports have typically kept individuals on a strict schedule with helpful structure and predictability, often times big changes can lead to a “shake up” in focus and discipline, and instead prioritizing the wrong things.

    In this 6 week prep, which is typically done in Spring or Summer, we will discuss general expectations and scenarios of competing in college. We will discuss life away from home, living and making choices independently, the role of a student athlete, peer pressures, time management, self care and sleep, as well as the intensity of play at the collegiate level.

    If your teen is getting ready to make this leap from high school to college, I encourage you to take this 6 week course in College Prep.